Sunday, 10 June 2012

Post Jubilee

Been gigging crazy! Played a great bar in Chelsea called the Coopers Arms twice, a decent bar in Clapham called the Gigulum bar; which had an awesome sound rig when the music was going through the cd player, (sub woofers in the chairs, felt like being in a Jacuzzi!) but when the live music went on they switched the sound to go through two tiny speakers that just weren't strong enough, so you couldn’t hear a word anyone sang. Played a completely acoustic gig in Battersea (no electric just me and acoustic) which went really well and they have asked me back to play this friday and are giving me a few quid for the service. Chaos theory put on a great night at the Wilmington arms in mount pleasant, well advertised and attended, definitely want to work with those fellas again. I  did play a shocker at the library bar in Angel; it was the last day of the wet bank holiday, terrible pa, incredibly unreceptive crowd but on the plus made a friend in the sound man Les, who used to be neighbors with Elvis Costello, (he didn’t like him). I decided to go back the next night to play so as not to black list the bar in my head, the place had a great vibe this time but too many bloody musicians and i didn’t get to play. Did see some good acts though, the “yess mess” were great with a home-made drum kit (the snare was an upside down colander) and a man who i cant remember his name but who had a stand out voice, very Jeff Buckley esq. 
My plan is to get my electric guitar down from my parents when i pop up at the end of the month, and get my three piece rock band together in July. Thinking of an Elvis Costello, bluesy, smiths cross over thing, with words and punchy drums, YEAH! but this idea will surely change as all of mine do.
So all good in the big smoke, and some lovely old dear went down the river in a boat and made a lot of people very happy, so it’s not just me having a good time! Big kisses XXX

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